Lemonade Tote Bag

The lemonade tote bag was the first product I dropped after being in a creative slump. The message "turning lemons into lemonade" fitting not for just the color but for what I felt I was doing. I had just dropped my second collection, and didn't sell anything. It discouraged me, but fueled me at the same time it was never about selling anything but more so about enjoying the process, creating, and building. I turned a situation that I thought was a failure, into a bag that signified my acceptance of it all being about the journey not the destination.




Fruits of my labor

Fruits of my labor is the name of this painting. I painted a picture of my family with literal fruits. I also made a matching Brivisu bag with the colors of some of my favorite fruits.

“Sow a thought, and you reap an act, sow and act, and you reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character and you reap destiny”  Ive been more intentional with my creations and work ethic, and in doing so I’ve been able to feel the difference. I been creating, and not overthinking but just doing what makes me feel good. I get almost all my inspiration from my son and family what we do or see on a day to day basis, what we eat and watch is all in my art. Reaping what you sow is something I say about 10 times a day in my head. When I want to slow down or feel like I’m stagnant I remember that prayer and faith means nothing if I don’t work towards it. It starts with not just creating but being a better person everyday first, everything else follows.